
Showing posts from July, 2017

Depression - Bad? Nah, it's good.

 “Stay away from depressed people, for depression is contagious and it might ruin you” atypical and ordinary warning given by the redundant people in the society, isn’t it? But what actually is depression? Is it really capable of ruining one’s life or it is the backstage story of every successful person? Depression is often blamed to be the reason for self-destruction. “A state where in a person thinks negative” a dictionary quoted definition. But what actually is depression and what causes it? Depression is when you’re unable to find happiness, as simple as that. The inability to find happiness is probably when you couldn’t achieve a goal or maybe because of the foul rumors you hear about yourself or maybe you lost someone special. There can be numerous causes, specifying just two or three would be an injustice to the others. So basically, there’s no head and straight reason to grief about. It can be just anything. Ever wondered why people become so vulnerable to dep...