
Showing posts from September, 2018


Deep Indian green, the colour of leaves To spread greenery, the farmer strives Drip drop, the rain drops Along with me, the sky does cry Staring at the sky, I question why? The mighty oak, branches spread high Tree swings, the horses neigh The sun shines bright, showing its might Warm rays, keeps the cold at bay Staring at the sky, I silently pray


There are so many things we want in life, some from the past that abandoned us, some from the future that is waiting for us with its thousands of different probabilities. We have all done our share of mistakes in life and there is something everyday that we can learn from. But then there is a point where you craved for something. Something so special, so particular, something that you didn't have earlier. And all of a sudden, life takes a turn and you find it right in your hands. What do you do then? You try to protect it with everything you have, every ounce of strength that you possess because that is what you have always wanted and it is so close to your hand. But sometimes, that is the thing in life that we can't save. No matter what we do, how much we try to hold on to it, it just slips like sand right through our fingers. What then? What do you feel? Hopeless? As if it is the end of everything? Or do you wait for it to return to you, because it made you feel alive ...