Free your mind

It's been quite a while since we had our basic human rights. But still, where do we stand with them? How do they influence our life?

There are still many households which think that girl education is meant to find worthy husbands. There are people who think that boys are supposed to be the bread winners of the house and there are still many who think that if a girl is educated above a certain level, she becomes capable to take her own decisions.

Oh my! How absurd is that? An apocalypse, right?

Every human, irrespective of the gender has a right to choose their own life. So what if there is a boy who is hardworking but still wants to be a cricketer instead of an engineer? So what, if there is a girl who wants to build an empire with her talent in the corporate sector?

People are different and its okay. They don't need to be biased or judged based on their choices. I have heard people commenting on the result of an entrance. They said that it would have been better if the boy got the rank instead of the girl. The girl is supposed to sit at home any way. And there were even people saying what would the boy do with a degree in culinery? It is not meant for boys. Where did these boundaries and these rules come from? And why aren't people allowed to make their own decisions and experience rather than rely upon the experiences of others?

You do not get to choose for others just because you didn't get to make your choices in the name of law and religion because there is not a single law or religion that asks you to force your choices upon other.


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