Ameliorate (Become Better)

You can’t invite disasters and then complain of being destroyed.
Yes, you can’t.

Everyone has their own choice, agreed. However, choosing a pricky path and then complain of being hurt is no solution, nor it is going to help you in any way. For once, it is okay to make a mistake. It is fine to be hurt once by the thorn under the rose. But if you’re hurt again, by the same thorn, then it’s your fault. Repeating the same mistake is a choice nor an unfortunate event. If you say that your life depends on the rose above the thorn, then you probably are choosing to be hurt. ALERT! You are making the same mistake, again.

Life does not depend on materialistic stuff. It’s just human brain that tricks into believing it. No person, no relation, no addiction, nothing is important more than you’re will to survive.  Addictions do have an end. You just have to find a way. Be it person, drugs or a simple 'chai', if its causing you pain, you have to get rid of it. The sooner, the better.

Commitment is necessary. To get better, first you have to have the will for it. If you’re not willing to cease your pain, then what is the use of living with it? Any task becomes easy, if it's first impression on says 'it's easy'. It's just one of the games, our brain's play. If something is worth keeping in life, it'll bring you happiness. Grief only comes from rotten products, which you have discard.

You're happiness is for you. No one has any authority on it, at least not to destroy it. You are one of a kind. You need not prove or explain yourself to anyone. You can't live for anyone else before you live for yourself. Give up everything that weighs you down. Remove every thorn impressed in your heart. Eliminate the source, and you'll see pain, slowly making it's way out.


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