The Right Path (unedited)

The world has become a place what Muhammad p.b.u.h had said decades ago. Almost all signs of qayamat has come true and we have turned a blind eye towards it. We all know we are nearing the end, unfortunately neither have we prepared for it nor we have intentions to do so. We want the best of akhirah while we're busy extracting the best of duniya. How can we expect our sins to be forgiven without repentance? Even if our sins equal the foam of sea, Allah says he will forgive if we repent. We need to guide ourselves towards Allah's path to achieve the best of our eternal lives. We need to stop involving ourselves in the worldly pleasures that are ruining our akhirah. Even if it feels impossible, atleast think of giving up atleast one bad habit at a time, Allah will definitely help you get rid of it. Allah loves his slave more than seventy mother's love put together, He never hates his slave. He puts us into tests and trails, through darkness and pain, only to get us closer to him. Our sins are forgiven during those times. Even after Allah being so generous, we still think it's difficult to back to the right path? 

Let's get ourselves closer to Allah, for He is the only one who provides ease during the hard times, who forgives no matter how many sins have been committed, who has enormous power and the only one who can provide us shelter today, and on the day of judgement. 

Take little steps towards the right path. Every time you think of going back, say yourself that you are preparing for the life that is going to be eternal, say yourself that you're making Allah, the King of Kings happy and if He is happy with you, there would be nothing else you would want in this world.

Here are some steps that may guide us towards the right path ( In Sha Allah)

1) Save yourself from every single thing that is haraam.
   Protect your eyes from seeing the haraam: In the afterlife, you will be able to see Allah subhana wa ta'ala. (In Sha Allah)
   Protect your tongue from saying haraam.
   Protect yourself from eating or drinking haraam.
   Protect yourself from listening  haraam: Most of us are addicted to music, which makes it difficult to avoid it. We can reduce the time we listen to music. Little by little in Sha Allah, we can completely avoid it.
Music is a fitnah of Dajjal, the sooner we leave it, the better it is for our akhirah.

2) Recite small supplications(duas)
    While climbing steps, say Allah Hu Akbar.
    While descending down, say SubhanAllah.
    While wearing shoes or removing it, say bismillah.
   Little acts are dearer to Allah.

3) Create awareness among your circle.
    If you see someone doing haraam, politely tell them not to. Educate them about it. Pro tip: Do not get angry or force them, it'll only push them away from seeking goodness.
   Teach and learn from your family members.
    If someone you teach someone about one good deed (namaaz, hadith or sunnah) and if they work on it, you are rewarded for his act also. That's the beauty of Islam!

4) Be kind.
    Kindness is when others see you as a kind person. Kindness is not only restricted to humans, add in animals too. Kindness towards animals is also loved and rewarded by Allah.
   Being kind also involves gulping down our anger.
   Any act that could hurt other living creatures, mentally or physically can be avoided.
   Be kind to your parents. Talk to them, give them presents, help them in their activities, I swear their smile will light up your day.

5) Reciting Quran everyday
    Allah builds a palace for you in Jannah whenever you're reciting Quran. Start will just one or two ayats per day and just be consistent in reading it.
Even listening to Quran is a sawab.

Don't miss any namaaz no natter where you are.
I'm no scholar or much of a learned person, just a sinner finding my way out, forgive me if I have made any mistake in here.
Do keep me in your prayers.

May Allah make us among his loved believers and protect us from the torment of afterlife. May Allah guide us to the right path and may Allah make us stay firm on Islam.


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