Failure “Failure is the first step towards success” “Failure is the best teacher” "Failure is not in falling down, but in refusing to get up” Typical definitions of failure, aren’t they? But let me tell you, none of the quotes mentioned above define ‘failure’. They define the people who were determined to achieve success. Then, what actually is failure? Failure is nothing but an inability to work up-to the required limit. If you’re one among those who failed, then it’s not because you are on your journey of success. It is simply because you did not put in much effort. Failure can be remarked as your ‘Journey to success’ after you’ve achieved your goal, but right now, it simply means ‘YOU DID NOT WORK HARD ENOUGH’. You’d probably be asked the reason for your failure, right? Who would you say is responsible? Your teachers? Your education system? Or would you say circumstances were such that you couldn’t study? I would say NONE, It’s all on y...