

“Failure is the first step towards success”

“Failure is the best teacher”

"Failure is not in falling down, but in refusing to get up”

Typical definitions of failure, aren’t they? But let me tell you, none of the quotes mentioned above  define ‘failure’. They define the people who were determined to achieve success. 

Then, what actually is failure?

Failure is nothing but an inability to work up-to the required limit. If you’re one among those who failed, then it’s not because you are on your journey of success. It is simply because you did not put in much effort. Failure can be remarked as your ‘Journey to success’ after you’ve achieved your goal, but right now, it simply means ‘YOU DID NOT WORK HARD ENOUGH’. You’d probably be asked the reason for your failure, right? Who would you say is responsible?  Your teachers? Your education system? Or would you say circumstances were such that you couldn’t study?

I would say NONE, It’s all on you. Yes, only you are to be held responsible. No one else is or would be, It was your own headache. Why would anyone else jump into your pool for no reason? Now don't plan for suicide saying 'I quit' or anything else just because I told you were responsible. Ending your life might end your part of problem, what about your parents? Why give them the punishment when you are at fault? Live life and bear it yourself. You can't die in peace when you know your death is torturing someone else. It was your parent’s job to get you admitted in a college, their part of work is done. It was your teacher’s job to teach you, they did.  Now don’t you dare say that your teachers weren’t good enough to teach you everything. You were supposed to be attending all of their classes in order to learn the lessons. Did you do that? If you did that, you would have at least got passing marks? If not, then stop blaming them.

The whole and sole reason you failed, is because you did not give as much time as it was demanded. So, sitting in a corner and crying is absolutely of no use. It is not going to help you even slightest of a bit. If you’re so concerned about it, then skip the crying part and start working for it. Stop blaming someone else for your loss. If you can’t give credits to someone for your success, then don’t even dare to blame someone for your failure. You always have a chance to mend your mistakes. Opportunities won’t come your way if you keep stumbling over the same mistakes again and again. Accept you are liable for your failure but don’t let yourself drown in dismay. Your failure was meant for you realize something. It was for you to understand that the amount of work done was insufficient, and you need to work even harder to be successful. Just making up plans and sticking to it for a couple of days won’t help. Consistency is important.

‘But there are circumstances when I can’t study’

Ever heard about Stephen Hawking? He can’t even move himself an inch and yet he is one of the most successful people on earth. What could be worse than being paralyzed for life? Any other excuses?

Come on, it’s your life. No one is going to live it for you. You sow seeds, you reap the fruits. If you don’t, then it’s your fault. Failure would never be your ‘path to success’ but it’ll be a little part of your success if you learn the lessons taught by your failure. Now, it’s your decision to either jump off and fall or jump off and fly.


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