International Men's Day
19th November - International Men’s Day
International Men's Day is an annual international event celebrated on 19 November. It was inaugurated in the year 1992, on 7 February, by Thomas Oaster.
But hold on for a second; forget about celebrating, did we even know that this day exists?
Men and women are an equal right, then why isn’t men’s day grandly celebrated just like women’s day? Equality goes on a walk when it comes to talking about men, yeah? Let’s have a look at what a man does.
A boy becomes a man as soon as he hits puberty. There would be competitions between them as to ‘who would grow his beard first’ even though they have no control over it. During his teens, he finds a crush and falls in love with her, he might or might not confess his love. But when he does and the girl reciprocates, he goes to any limit just to keep her happy. He does not care if she would become her wife or not. He simply gives her whatever he has at the moment. In case, the girl breaks his heart, he might give up on her but never forget. He might find new crushes and might date them. He would give his time and even to those new crushes too. As he grows up, he realizes the need to earn money, he then starts working for it. Before starting his career, he would probably brag about the cars he would buy, the luxurious life he would have or the number of places he would visit around the world. But none of that happens!
It doesn’t matter if he earns a penny or a million, he would spend it on his family without a second thought. He would buy anything that his wife, mother or children want but when it comes to him, he would only buy the necessary stuff. No matter what his job demands, he would give his best. Be it an all-day shift, night shift, staying away from family or staying in woods, he would do it without a single complaint. When he comes back home, he does not ask for anything but the love of his family. Just a smile from his loved ones and his day are all set. He dedicates his complete life to his family.
‘What about the bad men?’
The ones that rape, abuse and harass women are men, but the ones who save them from this are also men. We also have some women in the society who do the same with men, but they are hardly ever noticed just because those cases are suppressed giving it the name of dignity. ‘Save your dignity. You have been abused by a girl, what a shame on you’ is that statement that veils everything. Don’t we need equal laws for both men and women? Equality, right?
There are men who simply rip off a women’s image and there are men who stand up for them. Both of them have the same gender, but their ideologies are different. ‘There would have been no world without women’ they say, but a world without men was equally impossible. International Men’s Day might not be celebrated as majestically as women’s day, but dear men, you need to know that a world without you wouldn’t have existed either. There are men who have stains on their personality but there are also men whose personality shimmers effortlessly.
“All men are NOT the same”
Dear men, you need to know that you are important. You are that pillar without which the world wouldn't have been possible. You deserve to be respected for the sacrifices you made for others. You hold a special place in the hearts of your loved ones. You are valued more than you can imagine. You are loved for who you are. You are strong not because you hide your tears, but because you care about other's emotions more than yours. Even though you are judged at every step for the kind of man you are, you still stand up high enduring all the nonsense talk and it takes great courage to do that. I salute you from the bottom of my heart because being you isn't an easy task. Happy international men's day!
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