India holds a place for one of the oldest civilizations in the world, as the 7th largest country in the world, India stands out surrounded by mountains and sea, compared to the rest of Asia which gives it a distinct geographical entity.
India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. It has achieved all-round socio-economic progress during the last 70 years of its Independence. As the 7th largest country in the world, India stands apart from the rest of Asia, marked off as it is by mountains and the sea, which give the country a distinct geographical entity. Bounded by the Great Himalayas in the north, it stretches southwards and at the Tropic of Cancer, tapers off into the Indian Ocean between the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west.
India's glorious moment according to Indians arrived on the midnight of August 15, 1947. That glorious moment still holds me in awe, looking at the India today it still feels everyone is bound in chains. The chain of not just a brazen never-ending thoughts but also the hardened actions towards fellow humans. To pen down the marvelous souls who did wonders, took great pain to change the thoughts of people, just words would never be enough to express the gratitude. Though a few held hopes that thoughts would vary, which plays an important role in India still being a developing nation, yet many refrained from altering their thoughts.
Meaningful words taught in schools, left at the doorsteps on exiting the campus. Parents hold the utmost priority in teaching kids, where many do fail. Traffic rules, respect, decency etc., which children learn from looking at their parents enacting at various phases of life and where parents fail to teach, rise most of the hardened souls.
We boast, hold pride when we say it out 'Unity in diversity', freedom of speech, tradition etc. which sends shivers down the spine, how could one hold pride in what stands a camouflage. Peeking inside, you get to see not only hatred, lust for money, thirst for blood and power but much more which would make one cringe in disgust. The fashion sense has also included one-day patriotism in the list, religious clashes has turned into a part-time fun when boredom strikes, swindling money from the citizens has turned into a reality game where turns are taken to see who rips the best, photography or videography of public assaults has turned into a race for views rather than justice for the victim.
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