Handwriting Talks About Personality

Did you know? Your handwriting talks a lot about your personality.

Graphology or handwriting analysis is a means by which one's character/personality is deciphered by studying one's handwriting.


Size of the letter:
  • Large letters: You are outspoken, confident and love attention.
  • Medium letters: You adjust pretty well as per the demands of situation .
  • Small letters: You are shy, studious and have a strong ability to focus.

The spacing between the words:
  • Wide space: You enjoy your freedom and independence.
  • Narrow space: You prefer a company over being alone.

The pressure your pen puts on paper:
  • Heavy pen pressure: Depicts anger and tension.
  • Moderate pen pressure: A sign of commitment
  • Low pen pressure: Lack of vitality and a sensitive person.

  • Left slant: You prefer your own company.
  • No slant: You don't get carried away by emotions.
  • Right slant: You are open to new experiences and enjoy meeting new people.

The shape of your letters:
  • Rounded letters: Artistic and creative.
  • Pointed letters: Aggressive, intelligent and curious.
  • Connected letters: Logical and systematic, you take decisions very carefully.
Loop of ‘L’
  • Narrow loop: You might be restricting yourself.
  • Wide loop: You are relaxed and spontaneous.

Loop of ‘E’
  • Narrow loop: You are skeptical of others and not easily convincible.
  • Wide loop: Open minded and love trying new experiences.
Writing ‘I’

          If your ‘I’ (as a pronoun) is much larger than the other capital letters, it depicts that you are arrogant.

Now that you know how your personality is studied based on your handwriting, why not have some fun trying it out on others?



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